Jugnet + Clairet

American artists, French born.

Work in multiple media. Live in New Mexico


Anne Marie Jugnet : b. May 25, 1958 - La Clayette, France

M.A. (DNSEP Art), National Art School of Bourges, France


Alain Clairet : b. July 7, 1950 - Saint-Maur-des-Fossés, France

B.A. in Art History, University of Paris X - Nanterre

M.A. in Philosophy (Aesthetics), University of Paris X - Nanterre



Everything has been said,

unless the words change meaning,

and meanings change words.

J.-L.G., Alphaville


We met in 1995 in New York and decided to work together in 1997.

Our imaginary is principally nourished by the landscapes and the culture of the American southwest. Our work, beyond an autobiographical dimension, explores and develops that which escapes the ordinary attention of the surrounding world and comes back to an intimate art history.

All that is imposed by sudden emergence, strangeness, dazzlement.

We begin with events and objects encountered during trips that develop our series: deserts, dead ends, the rarity of information, discrete units, minor changes, details, intervals, in-betweens constitute the universe of our work.

Our point of view is peripheral, we are interested in the margins, the background, the depths.

Our work is about images, memory, light and screens, from the TV Paintings to the Cue Marks Series, not to mention the Sunset Series and the Los Alamos Still Life paintings.

Our work also involves specific protocols and processes reflecting certain modes of production and representation of the image. Our aim is not to create new forms but to create the conditions of their emergence.

J + C


Currently represented by:

- Erna Hécey Gallery, Luxembourg

- Pie Projects Contemporary Art, Santa Fe, NM


Upcoming Exhibitions:

Personal Shows

- Nuages, Soleils, Sunsets, La Table d'Immédiats, Arles, France

Curated by Stéphane Tanguy & Pierre Grand

(October 1 - 12 , 2024 - Opening October 3, 2024 )

- The Backgrounds Series (D.A.A.A.), Pie Projects Contemporary Art, Santa Fe, NM

(February 8 - March 15, 2025 - Opening February 8, 2025 )

Group Shows

- The Atomic Age, Musée d’Art Moderne de Paris

(October 11, 2024 - February 9, 2025 - Opening October 10, 2024)

- The Wonder Way Projects, Series of exhibitions in Europe:

Le Manoir, Martigny, Switzerland (February - June 2025)

Kunsthaus, Aarau, Switzerland (2025), …


Personal Shows

2023 Midnight Blue, GF Contemporary, Santa Fe, NM

2019 Cue Marks, Mayeur Projects, Las Vegas, NM

2017 NM, Mayeur Projects, Las Vegas, NM

2015 Square Roots, Catherine Bastide Gallery, Brussels, Belgium

2013-14 Séries, Centre d'art contemporain, Passerelle, Brest, France

2013 Just Passing Through, Esox Lucius, Le garage, La Clayette, France

2013 Let's Switch Again, Martine Aboucaya Gallery, Paris

2011-12 Un abrégé, MAMCO (Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art), Geneva, Switzerland

2010 Still Life - Los Alamos, Serge Le Borgne Gallery, Paris

2008 Keep Watching The Sky, Serge Le Borgne Gallery, Paris

2008 Décrire le reste, Casino Luxembourg-Forum d'art contemporain, Luxembourg

2008 Beau Fixe, EVO Gallery, Santa Fe, NM

2007 On The Horizon, Dunn & Brown Contemporary, Dallas, TX

2006 Péter la forme, Cent8, Serge Le Borgne Gallery, Paris

2005 Côte à côte, Centre d’art contemporain, La synagogue de Delme, France

2005 Switch, Musée des Beaux-Arts (Museum of Fine Arts), Rouen, France

2004 Leblanc, Stepczynski-Blancpain Gallery, Geneva, Switzerland

2004 R.V.B., Stephane Ackermann Gallery, Luxembourg

2003 AFAA, Ministère des Affaires Etrangères (Ministry of Foreign Affairs), Paris

2003 Santa Fe, cent8, Serge Le Borgne Gallery, Paris

2003 F.W.J., curated by Claire Burrus, Centre Culturel Français, Milan, Italy

2003 Alpine, MAMCO (Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art), Geneva, Switzerland

2003 Cadiz, Centre de la Photographie, Geneva, Switzerland

2002 Switch, Carlier-Gebauer Gallery, Berlin, Germany

2002 Mega Vixens, Catherine Bastide Gallery, Brussels, Belgium

2002 Fishing With John, Stephane Ackermann Gallery, Luxembourg

2001 Right here - right now, Burnett Miller Gallery, Bergamot Station, Santa Monica, CA

2001 Tapes Series, Carlier-Gebauer Gallery, Berlin, Germany

2000 Séries égyptiennes, Gandy Gallery, Prag, Czech Republic

2000 Séries américaines, Frac Haute-Normandie, Sotteville-Lès-Rouen, France

2000 J’entendis un ver luisant, Josselyne Naef Gallery, Lyon, France

1999 Grandeur Nature, To celebrate entering the third millennium, installation in the gardens of the Winter Palace Hotel in Luxor, Egypt

1999 Une conduite forcée, Transpalette, Bourges, France

1998 Théâtre des terrasses, curated by Nadine Gandy, Gordes, France

1998 Erna Hecey Gallery, Luxembourg

1998 Le merle, cheese/burger, ...et Cie, 9 bis Gallery, Saint-Étienne, France



Group Shows

2022 Paint, Painting, Painter, Le Shed, Gresland site (Nd de Bondeville), France

2022 Macht! Licht! Kunstmuseum Wolksburg, Germany

2022 Impromptu orienté, Esox Lucius, La gare Saint-Maurice-les-Châteauneuf, France

2021-22 Obsolescence déprogrammée (Unplanned Obsolescence), Masc (Museum of Modern and contemporary art, Les Sables-d’Olonne, France

2018 L'inventaire, vol.8 - Acquisitions de 2001 à 2002, Frac Normandie Rouen, France

2017 Powerama, for the 25th anniversary of Gandi Gallery, the proposition of Matali Crasset in the show case of Air de Paris Gallery, Paris

2017 Le Cabinet des Merveilles, L'Arbre du Monde Galerie, Arles, France

2016-17 La peinture à l'huile c'est bien difficile, Frac Languedoc-Roussillon, Montpellier, France

2016-17 Flatland/ Abstractions narratives #1, curated by Sarah Ihler-Meyer & Marianne Derrien, Mrac Sérignan, France (Museum of Contemporary Art Languedoc Roussillon), In collaboration with the Mudam (Museum of Modern Art Grand-Duc Jean), Luxembourg

2016 Laboratoire de l'art, Musée des arts et métiers, Paris, In collaboration with the Mudam (Museum of Modern Art Grand-Duc Jean), Luxembourg

2015-16 One More Time - L'Exposition de nos expositions, séquence automne-hiver, MAMCO (Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art), Geneva, Switzerland

2015-16 Là où commence le jour, curated by Marc Donnadieu, LaM Lille Métropole (Museum of Modern, Contemporary Art and «Art brut»), Villeneuve d’Ascq, France

2015-16 Eppur si Muove - Art and Technology, a shared sphere, Mudam (Museum of Modern Art Grand-Duc Jean), Luxemburg, In collaboration with the Musée des arts et métiers, Paris

2015 Heaven and Hell. From Magic Carpets to Drones, curated by Diane Hennebert and Christophe Dosogne, Boghossian Foundation, Villa Empain, Brussels, Belgium

2015 Antonioni, aux origines du pop, curated by Dominique Païni (In collaboration with Maria Luisa Pacelli, Barbara Guidi and Matthieu Orléan), La cinémathèque française, Paris

2015 Lumière ! [Liàng], curated by Michel Nuridsany with the French Embassy in Beijing: 798/Chen Xindong Gallery in Beijing, Minsheng Museum in Shanghai, Taikooli in Chengdu,China

2015 Biens publics, curated by Christian Bernard, Musée Rath, Geneva, Switzerland

2015 Esprit de famille, Frac Languedoc-Roussillon, Montpellier, France

2014-15 Lumières de la ville, (Camera candida, Space 46, Statement 53, Collection, Polygraphy), MAMCO (Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art), Geneva, Switzerland

2014-15 Zones sensibles, La peinture renversée, Musée de l'Abbaye Sainte-Croix, Les Sables d'Olonne, France

2014-15 LUX, curated by Michel Nuridsany, Le Fresnoy-Studio national des arts contemporains, Tourcoing, France

2014 Collections, MAMCO (Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art), Geneva, Switzerland

2014 Parti pris, 1989-2014, Blancpain art contemporain, Geneva, Switzerland

2013-14 Ligne de force, Donation Albers-Honegger, Espace de l'Art Concret, Mouans-Sartoux, France

2013-14 Le Regard du bègue (physique du souvenir), une exposition dans la collection, MAMCO (Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art), Geneva, Switzerland

2013 Partage de minuit, une exposition dans la collection, MAMCO (Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art), Geneva, Switzerland

2012-13 Tapis volants, curated by Philippe-Alain Michaud, les Abattoirs, Frac Midi-Pyrénées, Toulouse, France

2012 Flippant time, les 30 ans du Frac Languedoc-Roussillion, curated by Emmanuel Latreille, Museum of Lodève,France

2012 Tapis volants/Tapetti volanti/Flying carpets, curated by Philippe-Alain Michaud, Villa Medici, Rome, Italy

2012 Néon, Who's afraid of red, yellow, and blue?, curated by David Rosenberg, La maison rouge, Antoine de Galbert Foundation, Paris

2010 Le sourire du chat (opus2), Collection Frac des Pays de la Loire, Nantes, France

2010 America Deserta, curated by Etienne Bernard & Sandra Patron, Parc Saint Léger, Pougues-les-Eaux, France

2010 Le sourire du chat (opus1), Collection Frac des Pays de la Loire, Nantes, France

2009 10th Anniversary Exhibition, Dunn and Brown Contemporary, Dallas, TX

2009 Tilt, 11 Museums with the Centre National des Arts Plastiques, Museum of Saint-Jean Le Rotrou, France

2009 Chhttt…, Crac Alsace, Centre Rhénan d'Art Contemporain, Altkirch, France

2008 Something New, Dunn and Brown Contemporary, Dallas, TX

2008 La dégelée Rabelais : Comme des choses gelées, Abbaye de Lagrasse, France

2008 La dégelée Rabelais : Voyages horrifiques et espovantables : navigation en réseaux numériques, Museum of Fine Arts, Nîmes, France

2008 Flux, New Mexico Museum of Art, Santa Fe, NM

2008 Arid Zones, Museum of Contemporary Art, Tucson, AZ

2008 Qui a peur de la couleur, Paintings of the Frac Collection, Frac Haute-Normandie, France

2007 L'Explosition, Frac Languedoc-Roussillon, Montpellier, France

2007 Gmtt-ck, Collection Frac des Pays de la Loire, Centre culturel de la laverie, La Ferté-Bernard, France

2007 Montre-moi l'œuvre autrement, Frac Haute-Normandie, Sotteville-Lès-Rouen, France

2007 Capricci, Possibilités d'autres mondes, Casino Luxembourg-Forum d'art contemporain, Luxembourg

2007 Everything, Dunn and Brown Contemporary, Dallas, TX

2007 On fait le mur, flux + territoires + frontières = multimedia, Donation Albers-Honegger, Espace l'Art Concret, Mouans-Sartoux, France

2007 Télémétries, artistes et télévision, curated by Frédéric Dumond, Villa des Tourelles Gallery, Nanterre, France

2007 Spaceinvasion, with the 9bis, Vienna, Austria

2006 Carte blanche à Cent8, Cloister Gallery – Art School of Rennes, France

2006 Zones Arides, Espace Paul Ricard, Paris

2006 Zones Arides, Lieu Unique, Nantes, France

2006 Painters of Modern Life, Donation – The Caisse des Dépôts – Photographic Collection, National Museum of Modern Art, Pompidou Center, Paris

2005 Ils sont là, James Lee Byars, Ann Veronica Janssens, Anne Marie Jugnet & Alain Clairet, Stephane Ackermann Gallery, Luxembourg

2005 L'œil écoute, Vitrins, Saint-Germain des Prés subway station, organised by l'APSV, RATP and IESA (International Studies in History and Business of Art and Culture), France

2005 Big Bang, destruction et création dans l'art du 20ème siècle, National Museum of Modern Art, Pompidou Center, Paris

2005 Shortcuts, between reality and Fiction, Video, Installations and Paintings from le Fonds National d’Art Contemporain, Museo de Arte Moderno, Mexico City, Bass Museum, Miami, FL

2005 Sous les ponts, le long de la rivière…2, Casino Luxembourg-Forum d’art contemporain, Luxembourg

2004 Ralentir Vite, Le plateau, Frac Ile de France, Paris

2004 La Lettre Volée, curated by Vincent Pécoil, Musée des Beaux-Arts de Dole with the Centre d’Art Mobile and the Frac Franche-Comté, France

2004 Cent8, Serge Le Borgne Gallery, Paris

2004 Douce France, (Collection of Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations, Paris), Culturgest, Lisbon, Portugal

2003 Trésors Publics, 20 ans de création dans les Frac, Musée du Château des Ducs de Bretagne, Nantes, France

2003 Stephane Ackermann Gallery, Luxembourg

2002 Roland Barthes, National Museum of Modern Art, Pompidou Center, Paris

2002 Le regard de l’autre, Frac Haute-Normandie & Musée des Beaux-Art de Rouen, France

2001 Miscellaneous landscapes, Stéphane Ackermann Gallery, Luxembourg

2001 Mur/murs - l’art dans le vent, Château d’Angers, France

2001 Le B.H.V. inspire les artistes, curated by Andrée Putman, B.H.V., Paris

2001 L’esprit de famille, curated by MAMCO in Geneva, Villa du Parc, Annemasse, France

2000 Stephane Ackermann Gallery, Luxembourg

2000 Mapping, territory, connexions, Anne de Villepoix Gallery, Paris

2000 The city, Nicole Klagsbrun Gallery, New York, NY

2000 L’art dans le vent, curated by Dominique Marchès, Domaine de Chamarande, France

2000 Drapeaux d’artistes-World Wild Flags, Liège, Aachen, Knokke, Luxembourg

2000 Light Pieces, Casino Luxembourg - Forum d'art contemporain, Luxembourg

2000 The go-between, Erna Hécey Gallery, Luxembourg

1999 22 v’la le siècle !, Centre d’art contemporain, Vassivière en Limousin, France

1999 Faces, curated by Nadine Gandy, Hôtel Scribe, Paris

1999 L’écrit, le mot, le texte, curated by Philippe Piguet, Daniel & Florence Guerlain Foundation, Les Mesnuls, France

1999 L’art contemporain “français”, génération 2000, Espace Paul Ricard, Paris

1999 Licht parcours, Haus “Salves Hospes”, Kunstverein Braunschweig e.V., Braunschweig, Germany

1998 Dix affiches autour de la Biennale, 9 bis Gallery, Saint-Étienne, France

1998 22 v’la le siècle !, 9 bis Gallery, Saint-Étienne, France

1998 Photographies, Erna Hécey Gallery, Luxembourg

1998 Centre d’art contemporain, Vassivière en Limousin, France

1998 Au nom du sport, curated by Charles-Arthur Boyer, Gabrielle Maubrie Gallery, Paris

1998 L’objet-dard, Hommage à Marcel Duchamp, curated by Stéphane Moreaux, SITA, Paris

1998 Les transports de l’image, curated by Dominique Païni, Le Fresnoy-Studio national des arts contemporains, Tourcoing, France

1998 Ici et maintenant (encore), A.P.S.P.V., Caisse des dépôts et consignations, Paris

1997 Ici et maintenant, A.P.S.P.V., la Grande Halle, Parc de la Villette, Paris

1997 1 minute scenario, curated by Jérôme Sans, Le printemps de Cahors, France



Public & Private Commissions


2017 Hôtel Beauregard, Geneva, Switzerland

2011 LVMH - La Veuve Clicquot, Hôtel du Marc, Reims, France

2007 La Manufacture nationale de Sèvres, France

2003 French Custom Building, Oullins, France, Architect: Jacques Ferrier

2001 Vincent Wapler Collection at Place des Vosges, Paris, France

2001 University of Saint Jean d’Angely, Nice, France, in collaboration with Philippe Gronon & Altyx.

1999 Winter Palace Hotel in Luxor, Egypt

1998 Court House Nice, France, Architect: Jacques Ferrier



Public & Corporate Collections


• Centre Pompidou - Musée national d'art moderne, Paris

• MAMCO, Musée d'art moderne et contemporain, Geneva, Switzerland

• MUDAM, Musée d’Art Moderne Grand-Duc Jean, Luxembourg

• Centre national des arts plastiques, Paris

• Fonds national d’art contemporain, Paris

• Fonds régional d’art contemporain Languedoc-Roussillon, France

• Fonds régional d’art contemporain Haute-Normandie, France

• Fonds régional d’art contemporain des Pays de la Loire, France

• Fonds régional d’art contemporain Rhône-Alpes, France

• Fonds régional d’art contemporain Provence-Alpes-Côtes d'Azur, France

• Musée de La Roche-sur-Yon, France

• Capc Musée d'art Contemporain, Bordeaux, France

• Donation Albers-Honegger / Espace de l'Art Concret, Mouans Sartoux, France

• La manufacture nationale, Sèvres, France

• Caisse des dépôts et consignations, Paris

• Arsfutura, Cannes, France

• La Veuve Clicquot, Reims, France

• Caisse d'Epargne de l'Etat (BCEE), Luxembourg

• Belgacom Art Collection, Brussels, Belgium